HSSN Grid Operating System Requirements

Ubuntu Server 22.04.4 LTS

HSSN Grid Hardware Requirements

Low-End Configuration:
CPU: 64-core
RAM: 128GB

Mid-Range Configuration:
CPU: 128-core
RAM: 384GB

HSSN Grid Setup

1. Download and Install the Package

$ wget https://grid-sonic.hypergrid.dev/downloads/hypergrid-grid.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf hypergrid-grid.tar.gz

2. Initialize

$ cd grid_node
$ ./bin/solana-keygen new --no-passphrase
$ ./bin/solana config set --url
$ ./init_validator.sh
$ ./bin/solana address

Use the account address obtained from the command above to get SOL tokens from the Sonic grid faucet.

3. HSSN Client

$ cd ..
$ wget https://grid-sonic.hypergrid.dev/downloads/hypergrid-ssn_client.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf hypergrid-ssn.tar.gz
$ cd .hypergrid-ssn
$ ./bin/hypergrid-ssnd init

Modify the config/client.toml file to set the HSSN main node IP:

node = "tcp://"

Create a key pair:

$ ./bin/hypergrid-ssnd keys add my_key --keyring-backend test
$ ./bin/hypergrid-ssnd keys show my_key -a --keyring-backend test

Use the account address obtained from the command above to get HSOL tokens from the HSSN faucet.

4. Run

$ cd ../grid_node
$ ./run_validator.sh

5. Register Node

$ ./bin/solana validators

Send the Identity information to [email protected]